
AMP 2020 Annual Meeting and Expo
Virtual Education and Networking Experience
November 16 – 20, 2020
Please join us at our AMP 2020 Corporate Workshop, Available On-Demand
Rheonix COVID-19™ MDx Assay Enabling Fully Automated, Sample-to-Answer Molecular Testing for COVID-19
Elizabeth Plocharczyk, MD, Director, Cayuga Health System Laboratories, will discuss how implementing the Rheonix system enabled Cayuga Health to quickly bring COVID-19 testing in-house, significantly reducing cost and enabling next-day results for hundreds of thousands of patient samples in the central New York region.
In addition, Rheonix speakers Brooke Schwartz, Vice President, Strategy and Marketing, and Hazel Higgins, PhD, Product Application Scientist will provide an overview of the Rheonix COVID-19™ MDx assay, validation data and plans for assay expansion.

ABRF 2020 Annual Meeting
Palm Springs, CA
February 29 – March 3, 2020
Please join us as Rheonix jointly presents data in collaboration with Takara Bio:
“Utilizing the Rheonix NGS OnePrep™ Solution to automate the Takara Bio ThruPLEX® Tag-Seq HV library preparation kit,” March 2, 2020 at 11.30 a.m. at the Palm Springs Convention Center, Oasis 1-3 exhibit and poster hall.
The poster highlights how the automated Rheonix NGS OnePrep™ solution streamlines NGS library preparation for the new TakaraBio ThruPLEX® Tag-Seq HV kit for Pan-Cancer targeted sequencing. Molecularly tagged, sample-indexed, sequence-ready libraries were produced using the Encompass Optimum™ workstation and were equivalent to those prepared manually on benchtop.
Please stop by poster board # 133 and the Takara Bio booth # 104 to meet the team.

AMP 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo
Baltimore, MD
November 6 – 9, 2019
Please join us at our AMP Corporate Workshop, Wednesday, November 6, Baltimore Convention Center, Room 338:
From Raw Sample to Sequence-Ready Library: Fully Integrated and Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction and NGS Library Preparation using the Rheonix NGS OnePrep™ Solution
The workshop will feature speaker Michael Buck, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo and Director, WNYSTEM Stem Cell Sequencing/Epigenomics Facility, speaking on use of the NGS OnePrep solution in Shotgun Sequencing of Genome and Microbiome of Human Saliva using Automated DNA Libraries and Nextera™ DNA Flex.
Rheonix will also be exhibiting at booth 2518 during the AMP 2019 Expo, where you can stop by to see the Encompass Optimum™ workstation and to learn more about our NGS OnePrep™ Solution. We hope to see you there!

ASM Clinical Virology Symposium
Savannah, GA
May 5 – 8, 2019
Deisy Contreras from UCLA Health will present data at the ASM Clinical Virology Symposium showing the use of the Rheonix NGS OnePrep™ solution for use in sequencing clinically significant Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae. Sequenced libraries prepared from raw samples using the Rheonix fully automated method were of similar quality to benchtop-prepared libraries and appeared sufficient for strain typing and resistome profiling. The Rheonix automated method eliminated manual steps and reduced total workflow time from 8 hours to 4.5 hours.
“Whole-genome Sequencing Analysis of Clinically Significant Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Using the Rheonix NGS OnePrep™ Solution Automation Platform”
ASM Clinical Virology Symposium, Savannah, GA
Poster Session III, Tuesday May 7, 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.

Molecular Med Tri-Con
San Francisco, CA
March 10 – 15, 2019
Please join us at Molecular Medicine Tri-Con in San Francisco, CA, March 10 – 15, where Rheonix will showcase our new NGS OnePrep™ solution, a fully integrated and automated nucleic acid extraction and NGS library preparation method. Stop by Booth 525 to learn more about how this innovative solution can simplify your NGS workflow.
Join us on Monday, March 11 at 5:00 p.m., as Peter Trabold, Rheonix Director of Clinical Applications, describes uses of the NGS OnePrep solution in cutting-edge research to advance human health.

Association of Molecular Pathology 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo
San Antonio, TX
November 1 – 3, 2018
AMP Corporate Workshop, October 31
Rheonix will showcase our exciting new NGS OnePrep™ solution at the Association of Molecular Pathology (AMP) 2018 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX, Nov 1-3. The NGS OnePrep solution enables fully integrated and automated Nucleic Acid Extraction and NGS Library Preparation on the Encompass Optimum™ workstation. Stop by booth 1525 at the AMP Expo to learn more about the NGS OnePrep solution.
Please join us at our AMP Corporate Workshop, From Raw Sample to Sequence-Ready Library: Fully Integrated and Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction and NGS Library Prep System on Wednesday, October 31, at 9:00 AM. Speakers from AccuRef, Takara Bio and the University at Buffalo’s New York State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences will present data on use of the Rheonix solution to prepare sequence-ready NGS libraries using Rubicon and Illumina library prep kits.
Rheonix AMP Corporate Workshop
Wednesday, October 31, 9:00 – 9:50 AM, room 214B of the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.

Next Generation Dx Summit
Washington, DC
August 20 – 24, 2018
Rheonix is pleased to announce that Richard A. Montagna, Ph.D., FACB, Senior Vice President, Scientific and Clinical Affairs, will be giving a talk at the Next Generation Dx Summit. The talk is titled Combined and Fully Automated DNA Isolation & NGS Library Prep and will cover how the Rheonix Encompass Optimum™ workstation has been used to fully automate cell lysis, DNA extraction and purification, and NGS library preparation in a seamless and “hands-off” method. Dr. Montagna will be speaking on Wednesday, August 22 at 10 AM in the session entitled “Sample Prep, Assay Development & Validation,” a part of the Precision Medicine track. Be sure to catch this talk to learn more about our method, and how they can help your lab save on both time and cost.
Combined and Fully Automated DNA Isolation & NGS Library Prep
Richard A. Montagna, Ph.D., FACB, Senior Vice President, Scientific & Clinical Affairs
Rheonix, Inc., Ithaca, NY
The Encompass Optimum™ Workstation automatically isolates DNA and prepares NGS libraries using a variety of different commercial kits. Compared to manually prepared libraries, the automatically prepared libraries exhibit excellent quality metrics. The ability to combine DNA isolation and library preparation on a single instrument dramatically reduces cost and time.

AACC Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL
July 29 – August 2, 2018
Rheonix is pleased to announce that Rubina Yasmin, PhD, Senior Scientist at Rheonix’s Research and Innovation Center, will present data at the upcoming American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Annual Meeting, taking place July 29 – August 2 at McCormick Place in Chicago, Illinois. The poster (Poster B-017), titled Fully Automated DNA isolation and NGS Library Preparation, will feature data generated through the Rheonix method, and be available to view August 1 from 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM. Rubina will be present to answer questions at the poster 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM of the same day. Stop by to hear more about our exciting method, which drastically reduces technician time performing manual NGS prep procedures.
Fully Automated DNA isolation and NGS Library Preparation
H. Zhu1, B.J. Kim1, R. Yasmin1, S. Valiyaparambil2, B. Marzullo2, M.J. Buck2 and R. Montagna1
1Rheonix, Inc., Ithaca, NY, 2State University of NY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY

ASM Microbe 2018
Atlanta, GA
June 7 – 11, 2018
Rheonix is honored to announce that Dr. Beum Jun Kim, of the Research and Innovation Center at Rheonix, Inc., will be presenting a poster on the Fully Integrated Automation of NGS Library Preparation for Foodborne Pathogens at ASM Microbe 2018. The conference will take place June 7 – 11 in Atlanta, GA. Through the use of the Encompass Optimum™ Workstation, reliable, sequence-ready DNA libraries can be prepared in only 3 hours, with minimal hands-on time, for a fraction of traditional sequencing costs. Come hear about this exciting new method at Poster #353, where Kim will be presenting from 11 AM – 1 PM on June 8. Be sure to also stop by the Rapid Fire session titled “Microbe Trek” to hear highlights of our innovative method at 1:30 PM in Lounge and Learn 2, Building A, Level 3.
Fully Integrated Automation of NGS Library Preparation for Foodborne Pathogens
H. Zhu1, B. Kim1, R. Yasmin1, G. Kastasnis2, M. Allard2 and R. Montagna1
1Rheonix, Inc., Ithaca, NY, 2Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition/FDA, College Park, MD

ASM Conference on Rapid Applied Microbial NGS and Bioinformatic Pipelines
Washington, D.C.
October 8 – 11, 2017
Rheonix is proud to announce that Hui Zhu, from the Rheonix Innovation Center, will be presenting a poster titled Fully Automated DNA Isolation and NGS Library Preparation at the upcoming ASM Conference on Rapid Applied Microbial Next-Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatic Pipelines. Hui will be available for questions at Poster #31 on Monday, October 9, 2 – 4 PM. Stop by to learn more about our NGS Library prep method and how we were able to reduce the standard library prep time from 1.5 – 2.5 days to less than five hours.
Fully Automated DNA Isolation and NGS Library Preparation
H. Zhu1, B. J. Kim1, R. Yasmin1, S. Valiyaparambil2, M.J. Buck2 and R. A. Montagna3
1Rheonix, Inc., Ithaca, NY, 2State University of NY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 3Rheonix, Inc., Grand Island, NY

AACC Clinical Lab Expo
San Diego, CA
August 1 – 3, 2017
Rheonix is pleased to announce that we will be showcasing our technology at the 69th American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Clinical Lab Expo alongside our supply partner, Festo. Visit us at Booth #2661 to check out the Encompass Optimum™ workstation, a fully-automated molecular detection system. The Optimum combines high multiplexing capabilities and a simple and intuitive interface to streamline complex testing procedures. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about our clinical assays currently in development, including a triplex STI panel for the detection of CT, NG, and TV, and our dual assay for the Zika virus, which can detect both viral RNA and antibody targets.

GeneMed 2017
Baltimore, MD
February 22-24, 2017
Rheonix is pleased to announce that Richard Montagna, Ph.D., FACB, Senior Vice President for Scientific and Clinical Affairs at Rheonix, has accepted an invitation to speak at GeneMed 2017. The abstract for his talk, titled “An Automated, Multipurpose Platform for Genetic Analysis” is available below.
Rheonix has developed a versatile, microfluidic platform with applications in multiple fields. Originally designed to automatically perform all aspects of molecular testing, many other applications have been implemented to meet the growing demands of the field (1-4). The original system was designed to automatically perform cell lysis, nucleic acid purification, multiplex PCR, detection and readout without any user intervention, starting with a broad spectrum of sample types, including whole blood, serum, plasma, urine, a variety of swabs (buccal, vaginal, endocervical, etc.) and fresh as well as formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens. The system is capable of performing a variety of different assays including detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms, biomarkers associated with drug sensitivities, infectious disease markers, and oncology markers. Depending upon the specific test, the time to results of the fully automated assays ranges from 3 to 5.5 hours. Recently the system has been used to reduce the time of preparing Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) libraries from 1-2 days to less than 4 hours. Starting with raw specimens, NGS libraries were generated on the Rheonix system that were indistinguishable from libraries prepared from the same specimens using standard manual processes. Finally, under NIH-sponsored programs, the system has been further expanded to simultaneously perform both an immunoassay and a molecular assay from the same specimen. Thus far, assays for both HIV and ZIKA virus have been reduced to practice. The presentation will provide considerable data substantiating the Rheonix system’s capability to automate a broad spectrum of assay types without any user intervention.
- Spizz G, et al. “Rheonix CARD® Technology: An Innovative and Fully Automated Molecular Diagnostic Device,” Point of Care: The Journal of Near-Patient Testing & Technology, 11: 42-51 (2012).
- Spizz G, et al. “Determination of Genotypes Using A Fully Automated Molecular Detection System,” Arch Path Lab Med, 139: 805-811 (2015).
- Chen Z, et al. “A Rapid, Self-Confirming Assay for HIV: Simultaneous Detection of Anti-HIV Antibodies and Viral RNA, J. AIDS & Clin Res 540: (2016).
- Yasmin R, et al. “A Modifiable Microarray-Based Universal Sensor: Providing Sample-to-Results Automation,” Heliyon, DOI:10.1016/j.heliyon.2016.e00179 (2016).

AMP 2016 Annual Meeting
Charlotte, SC
November 10-12, 2016
Richard Montagna, Ph.D., FACB, Senior Vice President for Scientific and Clinical Affairs at Rheonix, will deliver a session, titled “Rheonix Encompass Optimum: The Road to Easier Assay Development,” on the AMP exhibit floor on Thursday, Nov. 10, from 3:00-3:45 p.m.
Attendees are invited to attend Dr. Montagna’s product showcase at 3:00 p.m. on Nov. 10, and visit Booth 1124 to meet the Rheonix team and learn more about how their microfluidic molecular analytical solutions can be used to improve efficiencies in laboratories.